Let's help local students start the school year right by giving them the supplies they need! If you would like to participate in the collection, please bring your donation to church on Sundays, July 21 and 28.
Elementary School
Middle School
High School
Elementary School
- Marble (non-spiral) composition books - Wide Ruled
- Glue sticks
- pronged folders with pockets (plastic folders hold up best, solid colors- red, yellow, blue, green)
- Set of headphones for computer
- Dry erase markers
Middle School
- Marble composition books - NOT wide ruled
- Tabbed Dividers
- Thin colored pencils or markers, not thick
- 2 pocket folders no clasp
- 2 pocket folders with clasps
High School
- 3 Ring Binders
- Index Cards
- Lined notebook Paper (college rule)
- Pens ( black and blue, some red/ Pencils)
- Tabbed Dividers