Celebrate Recovery meets at Stafford Crossing on Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place, a place of belonging, a place to care for others and be cared for, where respect is given to each member, and where confidentiality is highly regarded. CR is a place to take off your mask, to learn, to grow and become strong again. CR is a place to trust and follow Jesus to freedom from hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
Tuesday nights are an open meeting. We invite you to join any week you can make it.
Who is CR for?
Celebrate Recovery is for any adult (age 18 and older, post high school) with a hurt, hang-up, or habit. CR doesn't focus on just one issue. CR focuses on the many different issues that may be holding a person back. These issues may be: codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, just to name a few. How can one program work for so many different issues? It works because the answer is the same - the healing power of Jesus. If you're ready to admit you can not handle things on our own and need God's power then CR is for YOU!
What is Recovery?
In physical health, recovery refers to the process of moving from illness to wellness. Our hurts, habits and hang-ups are like an illness. At CR you will learn tools to begin to move toward wholeness, to move from bondage to freedom in Christ, from self-reliance to deeper faith in Christ.
Tuesday nights are an open meeting. We invite you to join any week you can make it.
Who is CR for?
Celebrate Recovery is for any adult (age 18 and older, post high school) with a hurt, hang-up, or habit. CR doesn't focus on just one issue. CR focuses on the many different issues that may be holding a person back. These issues may be: codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, just to name a few. How can one program work for so many different issues? It works because the answer is the same - the healing power of Jesus. If you're ready to admit you can not handle things on our own and need God's power then CR is for YOU!
What is Recovery?
In physical health, recovery refers to the process of moving from illness to wellness. Our hurts, habits and hang-ups are like an illness. At CR you will learn tools to begin to move toward wholeness, to move from bondage to freedom in Christ, from self-reliance to deeper faith in Christ.