Summer Splash 2024 SERVING TEAM

We want to make a splash in our community by inviting our friends and neighbors who don't have a church to join us for a day of family fun. We'll be hosting Summer Splash at the Stafford Crossing Community Church campus on Saturday, August 17 from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. There'll be free food, water inflatables, prize drawings, and more. Of course, all of this fun gives us an opportunity to make the biggest splash by inviting our friends to church and introducing them to Jesus!!

It's also time to think about who you will invite to join in the fun. Begin now to pray for your friends, neighbors, and co-workers so that you are ready to invite them to Summer Splash.

Areas to serve include: Event Prep (during the week), Set-up, Take-down, First-Aid, Food, Water refills, Inflatables
Register to be a part of the Summer Splash Serving Team

Have questions or need more info? Contact our Kids Crossing Director, Lisa DeCourcey at .