Impact: The goal of the Sweet Dreams Project is to ensure that each member of every homeless family that moves into Loisann’s Hope House is provided with a new pillow, new bedding, towels, and wash cloths. Last year, over fifty families moved into the Loisann’s Hope House shelter, and, through hard work, they successfully completed the program, and moved out into their own homes. Fifty families = 200+ people that were served, stabilized, and housed.

• Visit the Loisann’s Hope House website to familiarize yourself with the shelter and mission.
• Contact Jennifer Taylor and/or Keri Diamond at Loisann’s Hope House to determine the current bedding needs.
• Discuss with your group how the pillows/bedding will be collected, and set a date to host a donation drive event.
• Coordinate with Jennifer Taylor or Keri Diamond to arrange a delivery date.
• Share your donation drive story and pictures with Jennifer or Keri.
• Let us know how it went. Send an email to and share your story.

Helpful Ideas: 
• Take pictures and post them to the Stafford Crossing Facebook page. #sc3missions.
• Include your kids. They can help pack and write encouraging notes for the recipient.