Being a part of a church family has great benefits. It is not an institutional concept, but a plan designed by God with an incredible return plan. Take a look at what being a part of God's family provides based on Acts 2.
My church family gives me the following:
A Force for Living (celebrating) - As a member offers worship to God with other believers he or she receives encouragement and inspiration. "They devoted themselves to...breaking of bread and prayers...praising God" (vs. 42, 47).
A Family for Living (knowing) - A member develops Christian relationships with others. "...devoted to the fellowship...all the believers were together...they ate together" (vs. 42, 44, 46).
A Foundation for Living (growing) - A member stretches spiritually through the ministries of the church. "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching" (v. 42).
A Focus for Living (sharing) - A member receives encouragement and training for sharing the Good News. "...added to their number daily those who were being saved" (v. 47).
A Function for Living (serving) - A member is given the opportunity to serve others. "...they gave to anyone as he had need" (v. 45).
There are four requirements for membership at Stafford Crossing Community Church:
1. A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
2. Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation.
3. Completion of the church's membership class (the Connecting Class).
4. A commitment to abide by the Membership Covenant.