This class has been cancelled. It will be offered again in the future.

Got Questions? Try Alpha.

Alpha is an 12-week opportunity to explore the validity and relevance of the Christian faith. Whether you’re investigating Christianity, revisiting your faith or looking for a way to connect at Stafford Crossing Community Church, Alpha is for you.

Alpha is a practical introduction to Christianity. Each gathering begins with a meal - a chance to get to know others. Then there is a short talk which looks at a different aspect of the Christian faith each week. This is followed by a time of discussion in small groups, where everyone is welcome to contribute their opinion and ask questions as they deepen friendships. The emphasis is upon exploration and discovery in a relaxed and informal environment. No question is too simple or too hostile. Bring your questions, your doubts, and your appetite.

When: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., starting February 19
Where: Darryl and Gina Mosley's house
Cost:  $10 per person for materials (Childcare available for small fee.)
Registration deadline: Sunday, February 16, 2025

The talks each week cover the following topics, which serve as a springboard for the small group discussions:
February 19: Session 1 - “Is There More to Life Than This”
February 26: Session 2 - “Who Is Jesus?”
March 5: Session 3 - “Why Did Jesus Die?”
March 12: Session 4 - “How Can I Have Faith”
March 19:  Session 5 -  “Why and How Do I Pray?”
March 26:  Session 6 - “Why and How Should I Read the Bible?”
April 2:  Session 7 - “How Does God Guide Us?”

April 5: Saturday Workshop (3 sessions)
  • Session 8 – “Who Is the Holy Spirit?”
  • Session 9 – “What Does the Holy Spirit Do?”
  • Session 10 – “How Can I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?”

April 9: Session 11 - “How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life?”
April 16:  Session 12 - “How Can I Resist Evil?”
April 23: Session 13 - “How and Why Should I Tell Others?”
April 30: Session 14 - “Does God Heal Today?”
May 7: Session 15 “What About the Church?”